Who we are
About beyourpilot
beyourpilot is pretty unusual: In Hamburg all the universities and research institutes cooperate and, in Hamburg Innovation, share a company that serves the whole of higher education and supports such cooperation.
„The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: hard work, stick-to-itiveness, and common sense."
Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor (over 1,000 patents) and entrepreneur who was particularly successful due to the marketability of his inventions.
Here’s who we are

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
High-Tech founder wanted!
DESY is one of the world's leading research centres for particle accelerators and investigates the structure and function of matter - from the interplay of minute elementary particles to the behaviour of novel nanomaterials and vital biomolecules to the great mysteries of the universe.
A modern infrastructure for high-tech start-ups is currently being created around DESY with its large-scale high-tech research facilities. This infrastructure will comprise offices, laboratories and workshops and will be built parallel to the expansion of the campus into the Bahre...
Hamburg Innovation GmbH (Operator)
Hamburg Innovation is a private-sector knowledge and technology transfer institution of Hamburg's public universities. At the interface between universities, companies and the public sector, the team is active with the aim of profitably networking entrepreneurial and scientific potential and creating sustainable values for science, politics, business and society. For "beyourpilot", Hamburg Innovation acts both as project coordinator and operator of the digital platform, assisting universities and research institutions.
"beyourpilot" gives founders access to current research results, know-ho...
Hamburg Media School
At the Hamburg Media School, students can study in the degree programmes Digital and Media Management (MBA), Master in Film and Value-Oriented Advertising Film full-time as well as part-time in the EMBA in Media Management as well as Digital Journalism. In the full-time Digital and Media Management programme, students are given the opportunity to specialise in Start-up & Business Development, Data & Business Analytics or Social Media & Online Marketing.
These opportunities are offered in the second year of study after the essential media, management and business administration basics have b...
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Developing sustainable solutions for the social challenges of the present and future: This is the goal of HAW Hamburg - Northern Germany's leading university when it comes to reflected practice. The focus is on the excellent quality of study and teaching. At the same time, HAW Hamburg is further developing its profile as a research university. People from more than 100 nations help to shape HAW Hamburg. Its diversity is its particular strength.
This is where the start-up service is at home. With 4 faculties, 17 departments and more than 70 courses of study, HAW Hamburg offers a wide variety ...
Hamburg University of Technology / Startup Port @TUHH
The Startup Port @TUHH (formerly Startup Dock) has been promoting innovative start-ups from the university since 2013. We want to enable people to found socially valuable companies so that innovative solutions improve the lives of many.
We implement this mission at TUHH's Start-up Campus with a batch-oriented holistic support programme. In three so-called batches per year, cohorts of founding teams are not only strengthened with 1:1 mentoring, but also receive an extensive qualification programme, planning and preparation for funding, networking events, office space and a small workshop sp...
Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon
The Helmholtz Center Hereon is an interdisciplinary research center of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Helmut Schmidt University (HSU) is committed to the ideal of a diversity of disciplines as well as scientific cultures and locates itself in an international research landscape through outstanding basic and applied research.
Highly innovative technologies and exciting business models are created in its diverse research areas, and the HSU Innovation Hub focuses on promoting these. Here, start-up and patent projects are methodically supported and consistently advanced in a variety of ways.
The start-up projects at HSU benefit from a network of a wide variety of transfer and start-up instituti...
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Leuphana University of Lüneburg is supported by a foundation under public law and sees itself as a place for a free thirst for knowledge, ingenuity, personal development and social commitment. For its studies, it has developed a multi-award-winning study model with three schools, which is still unique in Germany. Five faculties are responsible for Leuphana's research focus in the areas of education, culture, sustainability, management and entrepreneurship, and government. The topic of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial action has been a cross-cutting university topic for more than 10 years ...
University of Hamburg
As a partner of the Hamburg Start-up Network, the University of Hamburg offers its founders and those interested in starting a business a wide range of support and services through its Start-up Service.
As the largest research and educational institution in northern Germany and one of the largest universities in Germany, the University of Hamburg combines a diverse range of courses with excellent research and offers a broad spectrum of subjects with numerous interdisciplinary focuses. Those interested in starting a business thus have the opportunity to gain expertise from around 170 degree...
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
You have generated research results and are thinking about developing them further in a newly founded company?
The UKE is open to spin-offs and has commissioned MediGate with the support of start-up projects.
As soon as you have an idea for a start-up, please contact us and inform us about your intention to found a company, ideally before the conception phase. We will discuss and clarify with you the handling of technologies, research results, know-how, intellectual property rights and industrial property rights generated at the UKE. This is the only way to avoid possible conflicts of in...
startup bridge, Gründungsberatung der Fachhochschule Wedel
We would like to get to know you!
Of course, you are always welcome to contact us directly. We offer you a consultation hour, in which questions can be clarified, you can get to know us or receive information. For a first personal consultation about your idea, however, you should give us some information about the idea, your open questions and next steps. This way we can make sure that we can prepare ourselves sufficiently for your needs.
Just send us an email to startupbridge@fh-wedel.de or send us your information directly.