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Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron

High-Tech founder wanted!

DESY is one of the world's leading research centres for particle accelerators and investigates the structure and function of matter - from the interplay of minute elementary particles to the behaviour of novel nanomaterials and vital biomolecules to the great mysteries of the universe.

A modern infrastructure for high-tech start-ups is currently being created around DESY with its large-scale high-tech research facilities. This infrastructure will comprise offices, laboratories and workshops and will be built parallel to the expansion of the campus into the Bahrenfeld research campus, which will be home to further research institutes and the natural science faculties of the University of Hamburg. In this dynamic environment, we support all start-ups that want to settle around DESY, both from within DESY, the research campus and from outside Hamburg.

The DESY Startup Office advises company founders whose products or services are based on complex technologies in the following areas
  • Medical technology and diagnostics
  • Laser-based technologies
  • Nanotechnologies
  • Electronics and communication technology, automation
  • Detector and sensor technologies
  • Accelerator-based technologies
  • New and complex materials


We advise founders individually from the idea phase on to all relevant topics for business start-ups, e.g.
  • Validation of the business idea,
  • Creation of a business plan,
  • Financing and acquisition of subsidies.


In cooperation with our network partners, we support founders with various training formats in the development of their business ideas, e.g.
  • idea workshops,
  • Business Model Canvas Workshops and
  • Pitch training.
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We support founders in the acquisition of public subsidies, such as
  • the programmes of the BMBF,
  • of the EU,
  • of the Helmholtz Association and
  • the IFB Hamburg and
  • arrange contacts to local business angels and venture capital investors.


The offers for founders on the DESY campus will be expanded further: In the pre-start-up phase, we offer teams with a technological connection to the DESY campus founder-friendly coworking workplaces and meeting rooms at flexible conditions. This happens in cooperation with the Innovation Centre on the research campus in Bahrenfeld. In addition, federal funds have been raised for another integrated technology centre, which will be located close to the campus and will provide work and laboratory space for high-tech startups in the fields of life sciences, medical technology and new materials.