Logo von UKE

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

You have generated research results and are thinking about developing them further in a newly founded company?

The UKE is open to spin-offs and has commissioned MediGate with the support of start-up projects.

As soon as you have an idea for a start-up, please contact us and inform us about your intention to found a company, ideally before the conception phase. We will discuss and clarify with you the handling of technologies, research results, know-how, intellectual property rights and industrial property rights generated at the UKE. This is the only way to avoid possible conflicts of interest between your interests and those of the UKE.

Usually, further research is needed to develop a technology further. We are your contact especially for these projects and, if necessary, for cooperations.
It is often necessary to obtain funding. Funding programs such as EXIST, GoBio, VDI+ and similar are suitable for this. MediGate advises you on these programs, supports you in the preparation of funding applications and coordinates the submission for the UKE.

In addition, aspects such as the taking up of secondary employment by UKE employees in a spin-off or the use of the UKE's name, logos or protected trademarks should also be considered.

And one last note: Future investors will only invest in spin-offs from universities if the rights to the business object are fully and effectively held by the spin-off and if there is - where possible - a basis of property rights.

We are there for you for all these questions.